Saturday, January 24, 2009


Welcome to Worldview Bookshelf.

Those of us living in the modern/postmodern world have become accustomed to rapid change. New products, new ways of doing things and new ideas dominate our daily lives. Amidst all this change however, some ideas should be preserved. Some ideas, though seemingly outdated or even ancient, are ideas worth keeping.

Each person has ideas about what the world is and how it works. These ideas eventually form a framework in our mind which may be called a worldview. It is our worldview which gives us a sense of perspective and orientation in life. Our worldview is the framework within which new experiences are interpreted, opinions are formed and decisions are made.

This blog is about ideas and worldview. It contains my own observations on books and articles that I've found interesting and important. And while I hope that you find my own posts interesting, they are mostly meant to point to the writing of others, who do so professionally.

My own perspective on life is from a Christian worldview. Unless otherwise noted, the works cited here are consistent with that worldview.

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